
DISCLAIMER: this site is currently in the works and more content will be added soon. stay tuned!

band info

hey! we're frogspawn, a post grunge band from mid-north south australia. we formed in late 2023, and are currently still in our early days of setting everything up.

at the moment, our band consists of two members: elijah (lead singer/guitarist) and oli (drummer). we both grew up in the same area and met at school when we were younger, and ever since forming, our mission has been to play music and just have fun. right now, we're still in high school, as we're both 14. we hope to start bringing back the music of the 90s, hence why this site was made the way it was.

some bands we're influenced by are silverchair, korn, radish, sunk loto, green day, linkin park, nirvana, and the front bottoms, so we hope that gives you a brief idea of what music is to come. at the moment, we're focused on getting to have our first rehearsal together, and although songs are in the works, we're going to start out with making covers.

elijah uses a prs 24-08 custom and squier stratocaster.

oli uses an alesis turbo mesh drum kit.

updates & news

hey! we're currently looking for a bassist! please refer to our requirement page for details!

stories from the pond

stories will circulate every week/few weeks! (depends on when elijah remembers to change them XD)

we originally started out as counterfeit, inspired by the limp bizkit song. some other names that we considered were: mercury's dream, fluster, soren, and stand for something. we later changed our name to frogspawn after elijah thought of the name during science class while researching about frogs. pretty neat origin story!

frogspawn newsletter

picture gallery livejournal diaries

discography special thanks contact